The Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Toolkit

The Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit provides the information you need to initiate your electric vehicle charger installation project.
About the EV Charging ToolkitElectric vehicles are expected to radically change our transport system towards a sustainable, low carbon model. Many residents and businesses will adopt the technology as new and desirable models enter the market. As uptake of electric vehicles increases, so too will demand for charging services. This presents an opportunity for businesses in Central NSW to generate income from the provision of charging services. The EV Charging Toolkit is designed to facilitate the roll-out of charging infrastructure, by providing: - Information about charging hardware and installation - Processes to follow when installing a charger - Contact details for planning permission This toolkit was produced by: Central NSW Joint Organisation and Evenergi
Site selectionThe location of charging infrastructure will have a large bearing on its success. A good site will possess a range or characteristics classified into two groups; functional characteristics that will influence the value that the site has to EV drivers, and technical characteristics that will influence the cost of the charging station development. A site that scores well in functional criteria is more likely to have higher utilisation and potential for revenue generation, and a site that scores will in technical criteria will likely be more feasible or cost effective to execute. Functional criteria that will influence the value that the site has to EV drivers: - A short walking distance to key existing facilities - Median patronage of nearby facilities - Access for passing traffic - Site accessibility - Nearby retailers supportiveness levels - Nearby facilities underlying conduciveness to appropriate duration stays - Adequacy of parking outside of proposed EV charger locations - Near-term local EV concentration - To protect from the elements, proposed site is enclosed - Protection from the elements - Site owner supportiveness of EVSE installation - Clarity of Council pathway to approval Technical Criteria that will influence the cost and feasibility of the site: - Site drainage suitability - The difference between site electrical capacity and the existing maximum demand - Site reticulation electrial and physical capactiy - Site 3G/4G reception quality - Proximity of charger to switchboard - Site does not present major installation challenges A site selection matrix can be found hereand can be used to help prioritise sites for further investigation. Average ratings for functional criteria and technical criteria are generated as a score out of 5, and described as ranging from 'Very Strong', 'Moderately Strong', 'Fair' through to 'Poor'. This tool can be downloaded and used to compare various alternative sites for functional and technical suitability, but as a model should be considered a guide only, and should be supplemented by site specific considerations by experienced installers. Installers may approach multiple sites and work through the various considerations iteratively until a specific site is identified. It can be advantagrous to progress reviews of multiple identified sites in case unexpected roadblocks are encountered in relation to a specific site upon closer inspection by experienced installers.
Installation and procurement planning checklistThe installation and procurement planning checklist which can be found in the EV Toolkit can be used as a guide to the process of installing EV chargers at an identified site. This may be useful in assisting businesses or the public with queries to Council on how to install an EV charger.
Interested in installing an electric vehicle charger but not quite sure where to start? The Toolkit provides information about electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, site selection considerations, which approvals may be needed and more.
Answering a range of common questions about electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Provides a glossary of the terms used throughout the Toolkit.
Choosing Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
Overview of Charging Station Technologies
A brief overview that can help you to decide which charge station(s) might be right for your project, covering:
Charging services
Types/Levels of chargers
Charger Terminology and Descriptions
Charger Design and Features
Management software and billing services
Application of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure by Use Case
Electric vehicle charging stations take many shapes and sizes, and this overview will help you decide what type of charging station is best suited to your charging needs.
Getting a Return on Your Investment in Electric Vehicle Charging
As an owner of an electric vehicle charge station, there are variety of ways you can benefit from the investment. This information may help you decide how to operate your charging station, covering:
Value creation
Sources of revenue
Charge station operation
Installing EVSE
This site selection matrix can be used to quantify the feasibility of a potential site for installing EVSE. This can be used to help understand the suitability of your business site for charging or to compare a number of potential commercial charge station sites in an objective way. Simply score each site against the functional and technical criteria set out in the tool and it will output a score and rating.
Overview of Charging System Installation Process
Once you have followed the recommended process in the Site Selection Matrix to select the appropriate site to install an electric vehicle charger, it is now time to commence installation of the charger. The overview of the installation process provides a list of actions to guide you through from site inspection to commission.
Approval Process Guide and Flowcharts
The approval process for a given project will depend on the land use, ownership and scale of the electric vehicle charging station. Use the guide and flowcharts to help you provide the Council with the right information when seeking approval for the charge station installation.
Electric Vehicle Charger: Risk and Hazard Matrix
Like any investment in infrastructure, there are certain aspects to be aware of that may impact upon your installation. This risk and hazard matrix will help you identify the main risks and how to minimise them across the following categories.
Business Productivity
Legal / Regulatory​
Procurement and Installation Planning Checklist
This checklist comprises a step-by-step guide to procurement and installation of your charging station.
Publicly accessible charging stations should be easy to find, with clear signage directing electric vehicle drivers to the car park and specific charging bays within. The charge station signage guide provides considerations that may be useful in planning signage for your project.
EV Charging Toolkit
Image credit: Bathurst Regional Council