Electric Vehicle Charger Information for .
Installers and Network Operators
Installing a charger in the region?
The Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO) and its member councils welcome investment in charging station infrastructure in Central NSW to help support the local uptake of electric vehicles and enable visitors to take their electric vehicle on their regional journey.
CNSWJO member councils are aiming to make it easier for commercial charge operators to operate in the region. There are a number of ways councils can help:
Provide local knowledge
Provide advice on planning regulations
Host charging stations on council land
Participate in regional charge strategies
View the approval process flow
The approval process for a given project will depend on the land use, ownership and scale of the electric vehicle charging station. Use this council approval process flow chart as a guide to help you provide the council with the right information when seeking approval for the charge station installation.
Download the approval process flow guide
Use the approval process flowchart in conjunction with this guide to help you provide the council or relevant authority with the right information when seeking approval for a charging station installation.
EV Charging Toolkit
Guiding material to assist you to install an EV charging station can be found on the EV Charging Toolkit page.